Sunday, May 3, 2009



New genealogical research by José Antonio Esquibel into the maternal ancestry of Ignacio de Aragón (ONMF: 127-128), progenitor of the Aragón family of New Mexico, was recently presented at the Annual Conference of the Genealogical Society of Hispanic America. Ignacio de Aragón was a son of Juan de Aragón and Mencia de las Ruelas Galindo (SRNM: 106-108). The Galindo family has its origins in Sevilla, Spain, while the Ruelas family can be traced to the mid-1500s in Puebla de los Ángeles, New Spain. This research adds the names of eight immediate ancestors of Ignacio de Aragón and includes family surnames such as Calderón, Carmona, Dávila, Salguero, and Zúñiga.

An article titled "The Ancestry of Ignacio de Aragón" has been written and will be published in the Summer 2001 issue of El Farolito (Vol. 3, No. 2), quarterly journal of the Olibama López Tushar Hispanic Legacy Research Center (OLTHLRC). The article provides transcriptions of original marriage records that clearly documents the information used to compile the Galindo-de la Ruelas genealogy and the article will be illustrated with a genealogical chart showing related family members.

Single issues of El Farolito, can be purchased for $6.00, or four issues a year can be obtained through OLTHLRC membership of $20.00 per year. Send check or money order with single-issue request or request for membership to OLTHLRC, MSC 237, 6637 W. Colfax Ave., Lakewood, Colorado 80214-1896.

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